1 research outputs found

    Demand-supply matching through auctioning for the circular economy

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    The circular economy aims to reduce the consumption of resources and energy by exploiting multiple use-cycles of components and materials. The creation of new circular businesses hinges on efficient alignment between market demands of circular products with the supply of End-of-life components and materials. In this paper, we address the digitization of a matchmaking tool for the circular economy by defining demand-supply matching (DSM) in context of business link identification and cross-sectorial matchmaking. We further specify a DSM process and p resent our DSM tool, which facilitates publication and search for supplier offerings and demander needs, selection of auctioning candidates, and digitized auctioning and contract definition. By that, this tool supports the alignment of market demands with matching supply offerings. In particular, it combines the steps of publishing, searching, selecting, auctioning and contract definition into one tool, which we argue can make matchmaking more efficient compared to addressing these steps separately. Finally, we present the design of the tool and discuss its merits in light of the needed acceptance for automating business link identification and contractual interactions